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cw_Executive Office

Superintendent's Office



Superintendente General


Billy Escobar Pérez. Lawyer from Universidad Externado de Colombia, master’s in business administration from Universidad de los Andes, and master’s in social security from Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain).  

Expert in legal advice to companies of any sector and in the development of consultancies in compliance issues. He has experience representing companies before judicial institutions, the public administration, private sector peers, as well as in advising on the incorporation, management, modification, or dissolution of any type of commercial company. 

He has more than 30 years of experience in the administration and management of higher education institutions and in teaching in the areas of Labor Law, Commercial Law, Social Security Law, Procedural Law and Probatory Law at national and foreign universities, including the Externado de Colombia, Universidad del Rosario, Universidad Central, Universidad Santo Tomás, Universidad de la Sabana, Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano, Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico), Universidad de Udine (Italy) and Universidad de Modena (Italy).