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Mission, vision and policy

Mission and Vision




The main values that drive and guide the conduct of public servants and third parties who perform public functions in the Entity are as follows:

  • Coherence: Making consistent decisions under the premise: "equal facts, equal consequences". 
  • Speed and efficiency: Providing the service with empathy and in a timely manner, responding to the needs and guaranteeing the rights of users. 
  • Entrepreneurship: Using technological tools to improve service delivery. 
  • Clarity and transparency: Making decisions that are easy to understand and guarantee access to public information to users, in an empathetic environment. 
  • Education for legality: Providing tools and train users in a culture of compliance with the law in order to generate value in business activities. 

Ethical principles:

Ethical principles are the basic beliefs from which the value system to which the person or group ascribes is built. These beliefs are presented as postulates that the employee and the collective assume as guiding norms that guide their actions and that are not susceptible to transgression or negotiation. 

At the Superintendency of Companies, we recognize and act under the following ethical principles: 

  1. The main capital of the Superintendency of Companies is its human talent. 
  2. All citizens and subjects of supervision are equal in the exercise of the functions performed by the Entity. 
  3. The work performed in the Entity is always conducted for the benefit of the country and the general interest. 
  4. Public assets are sacred and inviolable and for this reason, we must ensure its conservation and measured use. 
  5. The performance of the functions in the Entity must be conducted with rectitude and dignity.